Advertiser: Ferrero Asia (費列羅亞洲) and The Citizen Athletic Association / TCAA (公民體育會)
Amendment: Brands of the following ad has been
Result: Adspend of related brands and categories
would be affected
Affected Period: Feb 2012
Affected Media: Radio
Brands updated from Ferrero Asia (費列羅亞洲)>Kinder Bueno (健達繽紛樂)(100%)
to The Citizen Athletic Association / TCAA (公民體育會) > Kinder Chocolate Athletics Training Camp
& Sports Day (健達田徑訓練營及運動日) (100%)
Asia (費列羅亞洲) > Kinder Chocolate Athletics Training Camp
& Sports Day (健達田徑訓練營及運動日) (0%)