Advertiser: LVMH Group - Givenchy (紀梵希)
Amendment: Brands of the following ad has been amended
Result: Adspend of related brands and categories would be affected
Affected Period: Mar&Apr 2012
Affected Media: Print
Brands updated from
LVMH Group - Givenchy (紀梵希) > Facial Moisturizer (美白10次方淨化深度白精華液) (50%)
LVMH Group - Givenchy (紀梵希) > Facial Moisturizer (美白10次方淨化瞬白保濕乳) (50%) to
LVMH Group - Givenchy (紀梵希) > Facial Moisturizer (美白10次方淨化深度白精華液) (34%)
LVMH Group - Givenchy (紀梵希) > Facial Moisturizer (美白10次方淨化瞬白保濕乳) (33%)
LVMH Group - Givenchy (紀梵希) > Sheet Mask (美白10次方淨化系列雙效美白活力面膜) (33%)