Advertiser: Johnson & Johnson - Johnson's Body Care (強生美肌)
Amendment: Brands of the following ad has been amended
Result: Adspend of related brands and categories would be affected
Affected Period: Apr 2012
Affected Media: TVC
Brands updated fromJohnson & Johnson - Johnson's Body Care (強生美肌) > Lasting Moisture Wash (強生美肌水嫩沐浴乳) (50%)
Johnson & Johnson - Johnson's Body Care (強生美肌) > Lasting Moisture Lotion(強生美肌水嫩潤膚露) (50%) to
Johnson & Johnson - Johnson's Body Care (強生美肌) > Oxygen Fresh (海洋活氧保濕露) (100%)
Johnson & Johnson - Johnson's Body Care (強生美肌) > Oxygen Fresh (海洋活氧沐浴露) (0%)