Advertiser: HKU Group - The University of Hong Kong / HKU (香港大學)
Admendment: Category / Sub-Category / Brand of HKU Group - The University
of Hong Kong / HKU (香港大學) have been amended
Result: Adspend of Category / Sub-Category / Brand would be affected
Affected Period: 03 June 2013 to 18 June 2013
Affected Media: PRINT
Action: 13os06040022,13news06038029
Education & Training > Tertiary & Executive Education
HKU Group - The University of Hong Kong / HKU (香港大學) > Tertiary &
Executive Education (100%)
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Healthcare Services
HKU Group - The University of Hong Kong / HKU (香港大學) > Healthcare
Services (100%)