Advertiser: San-x, 7-Eleven (7-11便利店), Mannings (萬寧), Johnson & Johnson - Neutrogena (露得清), China UnionPay (中國銀聯), Walt Disney (華特迪士尼), Kjeldsen Butter Cookies (丹麥藍罐曲奇)
Admendment: of San-x, 7-Eleven (7-11便利店), Mannings (萬寧), Johnson & Johnson - Neutrogena (露得清), China UnionPay (中國銀聯), Walt Disney (華特迪士尼), Kjeldsen Butter Cookies (丹麥藍罐曲奇) have been amended
Result: Adspend of would be affected
Affected Period: 18 January 2013 to 18 July 2013
Affected Media: MTR
Action: 13pmtr0423411, 13pmtr0702405, 13pmtr0423402, 13pmtr0702408, 13pmtr0122410
Due to unmap return, the weekly rate of Escalator Crown Special Network With 3D pop-up/die-cut updated from $0 to $102,000