Advertiser: Nestle Group (雀巢集團) - Wyeth GOLD (惠氏金裝)
Admendment: Advertiser of Nestle Group (雀巢集團) - Wyeth GOLD (惠氏金裝) have been amended
Result: Adspend of Advertiser would be affected
Affected Period: 28 March 2013 to 28 March 2013
Affected Media: POP
Action: 13pop0328024
Beverages > Milk Powder Pfizer (美國輝瑞) - Wyeth GOLD (惠氏金裝) > S-26 HA GOLD (金裝愛兒樂HA) (100%)
Beverages > Milk Powder Nestle Group (雀巢集團) - Wyeth GOLD (惠氏金裝) > S-26 HA GOLD (金裝愛兒樂HA) (100%)