Jan 6, 2015

Appearance update for Sands China - The Venetian Macau (澳門威尼斯人股份)

Advertiser: Sands China - The Venetian Macau (澳門威尼斯人股份) 
Amendment: Updated appearance
Result: Sands China - The Venetian Macau (澳門威尼斯人股份)    would be affected
Affected Period: Nov 2014 to Dec 2014
Affected Media: Tram
Ref.no. 14tram1021006   / Ref.no.  14tram1230001
ALL appearances of 14tram1021006   have been moved to Ref no.  14tram1230001  
Sands China - The Venetian Macau (澳門威尼斯人股份) 
> Events, Sponsorship & Compliments (100%)
Sands China - The Venetian Macau (澳門威尼斯人股份) 
> Sands Resorts Cotai Strip Macao (澳門金沙度假區) (100%)