May 27, 2015

Advertiser / Brand Updated for Swiss Lens Laboratory / Swisscoat (瑞士寶)

Advertiser / Brand Updated for Swiss Lens Laboratory / Swisscoat (瑞士寶)

Advertiser: Swiss Lens Laboratory / Swisscoat (瑞士寶)

Admendment: Advertiser / Brand of Swiss Lens Laboratory / Swisscoat (瑞士寶) have been amended

Result: Adspend of Advertiser / Brand would be affected

Affected Period: 23 April 2006 to 01 February 2007

Affected Media: PRINT

Action: news042306211,news042306221,par100106007,par110106028,par120106001,par020107003

Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Optician / Ophthalmologist
Swisscoat > PMG Optik (100%)

Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Optician / Ophthalmologist
Swiss Lens Laboratory / Swisscoat (瑞士寶) > PMG Optik (視光配鏡中心) (100%)