Appearance Updated for Ma Pak Leung (馬百良)
Advertiser: Ma Pak Leung (馬百良)
Admendment: of Ma Pak Leung (馬百良) have been amended
Result: Adspend of Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage would be decreased
Affected Period: 二月 2015
Affected Media: MTR
Amended below Ref.No appearance from Info-service Sponsorship - TV Network (10s/Unit) to Trackside TV - 10s (Daily).
Action: 15tmtr-c0217011
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Cough & Throat
Ma Pak Leung (馬百良) > Pear Loquat Syrup (秋梨枇杷蜜 / 秋梨潤喉蜜) (50%)
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Cough & Throat
Ma Pak Leung (馬百良) > Pear Loquat Candy (秋梨枇杷潤喉糖) (50%)