Advertiser: ICBC - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) / ICBC (Asia) (工銀亞洲)
Admendment: Sub-Category / Brand of ICBC - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) / ICBC (Asia) (工銀亞洲) have been amended
Result: Adspend of Sub-Category / Brand would be affected
Affected Period: 03 August 2015 to 08 August 2015
Affected Media: BANNER
Action: 15mob0803716
Banking & Investment Services > Asset Management, Mutual Funds & ETF
ICBC - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) / ICBC (Asia) (工銀亞洲) > Investment Fund Services (基金投資服務) (100%)
Banking & Investment Services > Securities Brokerages & Investment Services
ICBC - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) / ICBC (Asia) (工銀亞洲) > Securities Services (證券投資服務) (100%)