Advertiser: Kao (花王) - Attack (潔霸), Kao (花王) - Essential Damage-Care
Admendment:Category of Kao (花王) - Attack (潔霸), Kao (花王) - Essential Damage-Care have been amended
Result: Adspend of would be affected
Affected Period:25 May 18 - 7 Jun 18
Affected Media: MTR
Action: 18tmtr-c0505006,18tmtr-c0525002
Some appearances of 18tmtr-c0505006 have been moved to 18tmtr-c0525002
Kao (花王) - Attack (潔霸)
> Super Clean (抗菌特濃洗衣液) (100%)
Kao (花王) - Essential Damage-Care
> Shampoo & Conditioner (100%)