Advertiser: L'Oreal (歐萊雅) - Lancome (蘭蔻)
Admendment: Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage of L'Oreal (歐萊雅) - Lancome (蘭蔻) have been amended
Result: Adspend of Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage would be affected
Affected Period: 11 June 2018 to 08 July 2018
Affected Media: TRAM
Action: 18tram0615002
L'Oreal (歐萊雅) - Lancome (蘭蔻)
> Advanced Genifique Yeux Youth Activating Eye Cream (升級版嫩肌活膚眼霜)(100%)
L'Oreal (歐萊雅) - Lancome (蘭蔻)
> Advanced Genifique Yeux Youth Activating Eye Cream (升級版嫩肌活膚眼霜) (50%)
L'Oreal (歐萊雅) - Lancome (蘭蔻)
> Teint Idole Ultra Wear Liquid Foundation (極致持妝輕透粉底液) (50%)