Advertiser: Dairy Farm Group (牛奶國際集團) - Mannings (萬寧),Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦),A.S. Watson Group (屈臣氏集團) - Watson's Store (屈臣氏)
Admendment: Category / Sub-Category of Dairy Farm Group (牛奶國際集團) - Mannings (萬寧),Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦),A.S. Watson Group (屈臣氏集團) - Watson's Store (屈臣氏) have been amended
Result: Adspend of Category / Sub-Category would be affected
Affected Period: 17 June 2016 to 05 May 2017
Affected Media: PRINT
Action: 17news05050056,17news03313010,16news10286054,16news12100094,16news07230045,16news07150106,16news12030084,16news12023080,16news11272037,16news11201008,16news11190060,16news11180012,16news11130055,16news11120061,16news11110188,16news10290057,16os10130007,16news10075046,16news09302142,16news09233117,16news09232042,16os09290009,16news10080055,16os09220003,16os08180009,16os08110007,16os07140005,16news09170047,16news09100063,16news08196044,16news08120141,16news08050155,16news07300067,16news07160065
Retail > Drug Stores
Dairy Farm Group (牛奶國際集團) - Mannings (萬寧) > Drug Store (0%)
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Gastroenterology
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (體控藜麥) (50%)
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Gastroenterology
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (大麥若葉X整腸酵素) (50%)
Retail > Drug Stores
Dairy Farm Group (牛奶國際集團) - Mannings (萬寧) > Drug Store (0%)
Health & Beauty Food > Slimming Supplements
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (體控藜麥) (50%)
Health & Beauty Food > Slimming Supplements
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (大麥若葉X整腸酵素) (50%)
Action: 16news10146061
Retail > Drug Stores
A.S. Watson Group (屈臣氏集團) - Watson's Store (屈臣氏) > Drug Store (0%)
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Gastroenterology
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (體控藜麥) (50%)
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Gastroenterology
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (大麥若葉X整腸酵素) (50%)
Retail > Drug Stores
A.S. Watson Group (屈臣氏集團) - Watson's Store (屈臣氏) > Drug Store (0%)
Health & Beauty Food > Slimming Supplements
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (體控藜麥) (50%)
Health & Beauty Food > Slimming Supplements
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (大麥若葉X整腸酵素) (50%)
Action: 16news07152060,16news07091036,16news07084031,16news06240144,16news06170103
Retail > Drug Stores
Dairy Farm Group (牛奶國際集團) - Mannings (萬寧) > Drug Store (0%)
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare > Gastroenterology
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (大麥若葉X整腸酵素) (100%)
Retail > Drug Stores
Dairy Farm Group (牛奶國際集團) - Mannings (萬寧) > Drug Store (0%)
Health & Beauty Food > Slimming Supplements
Uni Nippon / Uni-Nippon (日邦) > Superfood (大麥若葉X整腸酵素) (100%)