Advertiser: PrimeCredit (安信信貸)
Admendment: Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage of PrimeCredit (安信信貸) have been amended
Result: Adspend of Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage would be affected
Affected Period: 12 March 2019 to 13 March 2019
Affected Media: SOC
Action: 19soc03120079,19soc03120585,19soc03120668,19soc03121591,19soc03130360
Miscellaneous > KOL (100%)
Banking & Investment Services > Events, Sponsorship & Compliments
PrimeCredit (安信信貸) > Munroads Mobile App (門路應用程式) (100%)