Apr 22, 2020

Appearance update:LVMH Group - Celine -> Sunglasses/LVMH Group - Celine -> Women's Fashion

Advertiser:LVMH Group - Celine -> Sunglasses/LVMH Group - Celine -> Women's Fashion
Amendment: Revising the ad format
Result: Adspend of related ad and media would be affected
Affected Period: May 2019,Sep - Oct 2019 and Dec 2019 adspend may increase
Affected Media: Mobile


The appearances of Ref no.19mob0529259 have been revised from "Programmatic ads (mobile GDN)" to "Shadow Box"
The appearances of Ref no.19mob0918317 have been revised from "Programmatic ads (mobile GDN)" to "Medium Rectangle"
The appearances of Ref no.19mob1210747 have been revised from "Programmatic ads (mobile GDN)" to "Large Rectangle"