Jun 17, 2020

Advertiser / Brand Updated for Zkin Advanced Beauty (新肌科技美容中心)

Advertiser: Zkin Advanced Beauty (新肌科技美容中心)

Admendment: Advertiser / Brand of Zkin Advanced Beauty (新肌科技美容中心) have been amended

Result: Adspend of Advertiser / Brand would be affected

Affected Period: 13 August 2018 to 16 August 2018

Affected Media: BANNER

Action: 18ban0813009

Beauty, Slimming & Fitness > Beauty & Slimming Salons
Zkin Advanced Beauty (新肌科研美容中心) > Beauty Salons (100%)

Beauty, Slimming & Fitness > Beauty & Slimming Salons
Zkin Advanced Beauty (新肌科技美容中心) > Beauty Salon (100%)