Advertiser: Prada Group - Miu Miu
Admendment: appearance of Prada Group - Miu Miu have been added
Result: Adspend of related Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage would be increased
Affected Period: 01 March 2020 to 01 March 2020
Affected Media: PRINT
Action: Add Consecutive Page - 3 DPS for 20baz03019001 ($306,000)
Fashion, Accessories & Eyewear > Women's Fashion
Prada Group - Miu Miu > Women's Fashion (33%)
Fashion, Accessories & Eyewear > Bags
Prada Group - Miu Miu > Bags (34%)
Fashion, Accessories & Eyewear > Shoes & Shoes Accessories
Prada Group - Miu Miu > Shoes (33%)