Jun 9, 2021

Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand Updated for Hong Kong Interior Design Association / HKIDA (香港室內設計協會)

Advertiser: Hong Kong Interior Design Association / HKIDA (香港室內設計協會)

Amendment: Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand of Hong Kong Interior Design Association / HKIDA (香港室內設計協會) have been amended

Result: Adspend of Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand would be affected

Affected Period: 01 December 2010 to 01 July 2019

Affected Media: PRINT,BANNER



Non-profit Organization > Business & Professional Associations

Hong Kong Interior Design Association / HKIDA (香港室內設計師協會) > Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards (APIDA) (亞太室內設計大獎)


Home & Living > Architect & Interior Design

Hong Kong Interior Design Association / HKIDA (香港室內設計協會) > Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards / APIDA (亞太室內設計大獎)