Jun 4, 2021

Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser Updated for Japan Professional Football League / J.League

Advertiser: Japan Professional Football League / J.League

Amendment: Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser of Japan Professional Football League / J.League have been amended

Result: Adspend of Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser would be affected

Affected Period: 24 October 2020 to 01 May 2021

Affected Media: TVC

Action: 21tvc-e0430001,21cable-c0427003,21tvc-c0419010,20cable-c1024001,21tvc-e0419004


Insurance > General Insurance

Meiji Yasuda Life (明治安田生命) > Events & Sponsorship (100%)


Sports > Events

Japan Professional Football League / J.League > Events & Sponsorship (100%)