Advertiser: Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory Hong Kong (香港京都念慈菴總廠)
Admendment: Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage of Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory Hong Kong (香港京都念慈菴總廠) have been amended
Result: Adspend of Category / Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage would be affected
Affected Period: 01 November 2013 to 24 December 2013
Affected Media: BUS
Action: 13bus1101137
Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory Hong Kong (香港京都念慈菴總廠) > King To Nin Jiom Peo Pa Koa (京都念慈菴名藥川貝枇杷膏) (100%)
Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory Hong Kong (香港京都念慈菴總廠) -> Coolmate (積熱清)