Advertiser: Hong Kong and China Gas (Towngas) / TGC (香港中華煤氣),Sinolink Worldwide Holdings (百仕達控股)
Amendment: Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage of Hong Kong and China Gas (Towngas) / TGC (香港中華煤氣),Sinolink Worldwide Holdings (百仕達控股) have been amended
Result: Adspend of Sub-Category / Advertiser / Brand / Brand Percentage would be affected
Affected Period: 01 January 2002 to 01 May 2002
Affected Media: PRINT
Action: news050102341,news010102203
Industry > Conglomerates
Sinolink Worldwide Holdings (百仕達控股) / Panva Gas Holdings (百江燃氣控股) > Conglomerates (100%)
Industry > Oil, Gas & Chemical
Hong Kong and China Gas (Towngas) / TGC (香港中華煤氣) > TownGas (50%)
Industry > Conglomerates
Sinolink Worldwide Holdings (百仕達控股) > Conglomerates (50%)